Anyone using a shared account can move their profile to their own paid account, keeping their personal recommendations, viewing history, playlist, saved games and more. Netflix does allow profiles to be transferred and details how to do so. Despite the measure not being applied until now, the terms of use when the platform was contracted in reality already restricted usage to household members. ‘Each Netflix account is designed for one household and subscribers can choose from multiple subscriptions with different features,’ Long writes. If they have a second home or often travel to the same location, they should open the Netflix app on their mobile devices once a month while connected to their primary location’s Wi-Fi network, and then do so when they arrive at the second location. Subscribers will be able to watch Netflix on their personal devices or log in to another TV (for example, in a hotel or holiday home), the streaming service explains. This information is useful not only for the customer, but also for the company.
This gives users “more control over who can access their account”. In the statement, the platform’s director of product innovation, Chengyi Long, explained that users have to set the primary location of their account by linking their device or app to an IP address.